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Is Civilization VI Finally Cross-Platform in 2024? [The Truth]

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform in [cy]? [PC,PS4, Xbox]
  Written By: Pv Singh
Updated On: 07/31/2023
Est. Reading: 8 minutes

As one of the most popular strategy games in the world, Civilization VI has captured the hearts and minds of gamers everywhere. Since its release in 2016, players have been building empires, waging wars, and pursuing diplomacy to create a lasting legacy in their virtual world. With the game now available on numerous platforms, an important question arises: does Civilization VI support cross-platform play in 2024?

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the ever-evolving world of cross-platform gaming for Civilization VI. We’ll explore the possibilities and limitations of playing with friends across different devices, including PC, mobile, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. So, whether you’re a seasoned world leader or a newcomer to the Civilization series, keep reading to find out if you can conquer the world with friends on different platforms in 2024.

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Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform in 2024?

As we venture into 2024, Civilization VI remains partially cross-platform, allowing players on specific platforms to enjoy the game together. While the game has expanded its reach to a variety of devices, cross-platform play is not universally available for all combinations of platforms. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the cross-platform capabilities in-depth, so you can strategize and expand your empire with friends, regardless of the device they are using.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform in 2023?

Civilization VI supports cross-platform play for PC players using Steam, Windows, macOS, and Linux. This means that if you and your friends are playing on any of these platforms, you can join forces, compete, and share your love for strategy gaming without being limited by the device you use. However, cross-platform play is not available between PC and mobile versions, as well as between PC and console versions (PS4/PS5, Xbox One, Xbox X/S, and Nintendo Switch).

Additionally, cross-platform play is not supported between different consoles, such as PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One/X/S, or between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. While there is no cross-platform play between Xbox One and Xbox X/S, the game does support backward compatibility, allowing Xbox X/S users to play with Xbox One players. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, it’s worth keeping an eye on updates and announcements in the future, as cross-platform capabilities may expand for Civilization VI.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform Between PC and Mobile?

As of 2024, Civilization VI is not cross-platform between PC and mobile devices. While the game is available on both platforms, the mobile version is limited and does not have all the features and expansion packs available on the PC version. This difference in content and gameplay mechanics makes cross-platform play between PC and mobile devices unfeasible. Therefore, players using PCs and mobile devices will not be able to enjoy the game together in an online multiplayer setting.

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Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform Between PC and PS4/PS5?

As of 2024, Civilization VI does not support cross-platform play between PC and PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. While the game is available on both platforms, players using PCs (Windows, macOS, or Linux) can only engage in multiplayer matches with other PC users. Similarly, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 users can only play with others on their respective platforms. This limitation means that, unfortunately, PC and PlayStation users cannot share the experience of building empires and conquering nations together in Civilization VI.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform Between PC and Xbox?

As of 2024, Civilization VI does not support cross-platform play between PC and Xbox. Although both platforms offer online multiplayer, players on these devices can only engage with others using the same platform. Therefore, PC users can only play with other PC users, and Xbox players can only connect with fellow Xbox gamers. This limitation applies despite the game’s availability on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Android.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform Between PS4/PS5 and Xbox?

As of 2024, Civilization VI does not support cross-platform play between PS4/PS5 and Xbox consoles. While the game is available on both platforms, players are unable to join multiplayer games or compete with friends using the other console. This limitation is due to the restrictions set by the console manufacturers, and it is unclear if there will be any changes to these policies in the future. For now, players on PlayStation and Xbox will have to settle for enjoying Civilization VI within their respective console ecosystems.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform Between PC and Nintendo Switch?

As of 2024, Civilization VI does not support cross-platform play between PC and Nintendo Switch. While the game is available on both platforms and offers an excellent gaming experience individually, players using PC (Windows, macOS, and Linux) and Nintendo Switch cannot play together online. This limitation is due to the differences in the online infrastructures and the absence of cross-platform support from the game’s developers. Despite this, both platforms continue to receive updates and expansions, ensuring a rich and engaging gaming experience for players on their respective devices.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform Between PS4 and PS5?

As of 2024, Civilization VI does not support cross-platform play between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. Both consoles have their respective versions of the game, but players on these platforms cannot join each other’s multiplayer sessions. While the game offers a fantastic single-player experience, those looking to play with friends on different PlayStation consoles will, unfortunately, have to wait for any future updates or expansions that may introduce cross-platform compatibility.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Platform Between Xbox One and Xbox X/S?

Yes, Civilization VI is cross-platform between Xbox One and Xbox X/S. Both console versions of the game are developed by the same team and designed to be compatible with each other. Players using either Xbox One or Xbox X/S can enjoy seamless multiplayer experiences together, allowing them to team up or compete against each other as they strive to build the most powerful civilization in the game. As a result, the Civilization VI community remains connected and engaged across different generations of Xbox consoles.

Will Civilization VI Be Cross-Platform?

As of 2024, Civilization VI does support cross-platform play, but with certain limitations. Players using Steam (PC), Windows PC, Mac, and Linux can enjoy cross-platform multiplayer matches with their friends. This means that if you are playing Civilization VI on any of these platforms, you can seamlessly join forces or compete against your friends, regardless of which platform they are using.

However, it is important to note that cross-platform play is not available for all platforms. Currently, console and mobile versions of the game, which include PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android, do not support cross-play with other platforms. This may change in the future as technology and gaming networks evolve, but for now, gamers using these platforms can only play with others on the same platform.

In conclusion, while Civilization VI does offer cross-platform play for players using PC, Mac, and Linux, those on consoles and mobile devices remain limited to playing with others on their respective platforms. Keep an eye on updates and announcements from the game developers, as the world of cross-platform gaming continues to expand and evolve in the coming years.

What are the Benefits of Civilization VI Being Cross-Platform?

The benefits of Civilization VI being cross-platform are numerous and cater to the diverse gaming community. Here are some of the most significant advantages:

  • Enhanced Multiplayer Experience: Cross-platform play allows gamers to connect and play with friends regardless of the device they are using. This creates a more inclusive and enjoyable multiplayer experience, as the pool of potential opponents and allies is significantly expanded.
  • Increased Accessibility: Having Civilization VI available on multiple platforms ensures that more gamers can access and enjoy the game. This not only helps the game reach a wider audience but also allows players to switch between devices seamlessly without losing their progress.
  • Better Value for Money: Cross-platform play encourages gamers to invest in the title, as they can continue playing with friends and opponents regardless of their platform choice. This flexibility adds value to their purchase and promotes a more diverse gaming ecosystem.
  • Longer Game Lifespan: With cross-platform support, the game’s community remains active and engaged for a longer period. This enables the developers to continue supporting the game with updates, expansions, and patches, ultimately extending its lifespan.
  • Encourages Collaboration and Friendly Competition: Cross-platform play allows gamers to connect with a broader range of players, encouraging cooperation and healthy competition. This enhances the overall gameplay experience, as players can learn from one another and refine their strategies to adapt to different playstyles.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Generation in 2024?

Civilization VI has indeed evolved, adapting to the advancements in gaming technology and the release of new generation consoles. As a cross-generation game, players using older-generation consoles can still enjoy playing with or against those who have transitioned to newer-generation devices. This cross-generational compatibility makes Civilization VI even more accessible to a wider range of players and allows for a seamless gaming experience.

It is worth noting, however, that cross-generational play may be limited to specific platforms and configurations. While PC, Mac, and Linux users can enjoy cross-platform play, there may be limitations when it comes to console gaming. As a result, it’s essential to stay updated on the latest developments and announcements from the game’s developer, Firaxis Games, to ensure a smooth and enjoyable cross-generational gaming experience.

Is Civilization VI Cross-Progression in 2024?

As of now, Civilization VI does not officially support cross-progression across different platforms. This means that your saved game progress and achievements are tied to the platform you are playing on and cannot be transferred or synced with another platform.

However, there is a workaround for those who play the game on Steam (PC), Mac, and Linux. By using the Steam Cloud save feature, you can sync your saved games across these platforms, allowing you to continue your progress on another device running the Steam version of the game. Keep in mind that this method only works within the Steam ecosystem and does not extend to other platforms such as PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or mobile devices.

It’s important to note that the situation may change in the future, as cross-progression becomes increasingly popular and game developers continue to improve their support for this feature. But for now, Civilization VI players must manage their saved games and progress separately for each platform.

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Frequently Asked Question

1. Can I play Civilization VI with friends on PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch?

Unfortunately, cross-platform play for Civilization VI is not currently supported on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Players using these consoles can only play with other players on the same platform.

2. Are there any plans to expand cross-platform support for Civilization VI in the future?

While there have not been any official announcements regarding the expansion of cross-platform support for Civilization VI, it’s always possible that the developers may decide to include additional platforms in the future. Keep an eye on updates from the game’s developers for any news regarding cross-platform play.

3. Can I transfer my Civilization VI save files between platforms?

At the moment, transferring saved files between different platforms is not supported. This means that you cannot continue your game progress on a different platform.

4. Can I use mods in Civilization VI cross-platform play?

Mods can greatly enhance the Civilization VI gaming experience, but they are not supported in cross-platform play. While you can use mods in single-player mode, you won’t be able to use them when playing online with friends across different platforms.

5. Are the expansions and DLC for Civilization VI available on all platforms?

Most of the expansions and DLCs for Civilization VI are available across all platforms, but there may be some differences in content and release dates. It’s important to check the specific platform store for availability and compatibility before purchasing any expansions or DLCs.

6. Can I play Civilization VI offline with friends on different platforms?

Civilization VI does not support cross-platform play for offline multiplayer games. If you want to play a local multiplayer game, all players must be using the same platform.


Civilization VI continues to be a fan-favorite strategy game, and its cross-platform capabilities have only added to its appeal. As of 2024, players can enjoy online multiplayer with friends across Steam (PC), Windows PC, Mac, and Linux platforms. While it’s unfortunate that cross-platform support doesn’t extend to consoles and mobile devices, the existing crossplay options still provide ample opportunity for friends to team up and compete in the art of empire-building.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, there is always the possibility of expanded cross-platform support in the future. For now, though, Civilization VI players can still experience the thrill of building and leading their civilizations to victory alongside friends on compatible platforms. So, gather your allies and prepare to make your mark on history as you explore, expand, and conquer the world of Civilization VI together.


  • Pv Singh

    Hi, I'm Parwinder Singh from Ganganagar, Rajasthan. A Computer Application graduate with a fervor for Roblox and all things gaming. Whether you're seeking the latest Roblox game ID codes or curious if your favorite game bridges platforms, I've got you covered. Dive into my articles, and let's explore the gaming realm together!
