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Is Cyberpunk 2077 Finally Cross-Platform in 2024? [The Truth]

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform in [cy]? [PC, PS4/5, Xbox]
  Written By: Pv Singh
Updated On: 07/31/2023
Est. Reading: 8 minutes

In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, players are constantly seeking new ways to connect and enjoy their favorite titles. One of the most significant developments in recent years has been the increasing popularity of cross-platform gaming, allowing players across different systems to interact and play together seamlessly.

As one of the most highly anticipated games in recent memory, Cyberpunk 2077 has been the topic of much discussion, particularly when it comes to its potential for cross-platform compatibility in 2024.

Since its release, Cyberpunk 2077 has captured the imaginations of gamers worldwide with its immersive open-world experience, engaging narrative, and cutting-edge visuals. As the game continues to evolve and expand, it’s only natural for players to question whether they’ll be able to enjoy the cyberpunk dystopia with friends on other platforms. In this article, we’ll explore Cyberpunk 2077’s cross-platform capabilities for various gaming systems, delving into the possibilities and limitations of this futuristic gaming phenomenon.

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Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform in 2024?

As we venture into 2024, Cyberpunk 2077 has indeed embraced cross-platform play, allowing gamers on different systems to connect and share their experiences within Night City. This highly anticipated feature has not only enhanced the game’s appeal but has also bridged the gap between players using various platforms, including PC, PlayStation, and Xbox.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform in 2023?

In more detail, the introduction of cross-platform play has created a more cohesive gaming community, where players can team up for missions, trade items, and explore the vast world of Cyberpunk 2077 together, irrespective of their preferred gaming system. This has been made possible through a series of updates and patches released by CD Projekt Red, the game’s developer, addressing the initial concerns regarding compatibility and performance.

With the cross-platform feature, the possibilities for cooperative and competitive gameplay have expanded significantly, allowing players to share their unique character builds, strategies, and in-game secrets.

Furthermore, the success of Cyberpunk 2077’s cross-platform play has set a new standard for future releases in the gaming industry. As gamers continue to seek immersive and interconnected experiences, developers are now more inclined to prioritize cross-platform compatibility from the outset. In conclusion, with Cyberpunk 2077 leading the charge, we can expect a future where the lines between gaming platforms blur, and players worldwide can unite in their passion for gaming, regardless of the system they choose.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between PC and Mobile?

As of 2024, Cyberpunk 2077 is not cross-platform between PC and mobile devices. While the game is available on multiple platforms such as PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and Windows, there is currently no mobile version of the game, nor any official announcement of plans to develop one. Consequently, cross-platform play between PC and mobile devices is not possible for Cyberpunk 2077 at this time.

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Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between PC and PS4/PS5?

As of 2024, Cyberpunk 2077 does not offer native cross-platform support between PC and PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. While this may be disappointing for gamers who wish to join their friends on different platforms, it is important to note that cross-platform gaming is a complex feature that requires a significant amount of development effort and collaboration between platform holders. In the case of Cyberpunk 2077, developers of CD Projekt Red have not yet implemented cross-platform functionality between PC and Sony’s PlayStation consoles, leaving players to enjoy the game exclusively with others on their respective platforms.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between PC and Xbox?

As of 2024, Cyberpunk 2077 does not support cross-platform play between PC and Xbox. While the game is available on both platforms, players are currently limited to enjoying the game with others using the same platform. Although there has been a growing trend toward cross-platform compatibility in the gaming industry, CD Projekt Red, the developer behind Cyberpunk 2077, has not implemented this feature in the game. It remains to be seen whether future updates may bring about cross-platform play, but for now, PC and Xbox players will have to experience Night City separately.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between PS4/PS5 and Xbox?

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between Xbox Series X/S And PS4/PS5?

As of 2024, Cyberpunk 2077 does not support cross-platform play between PlayStation 4/PlayStation 5 and Xbox consoles. While the game is available on both platforms and has been optimized for the next-generation consoles, players on PlayStation and Xbox systems cannot currently engage with each other in-game. This limitation is not uncommon in the gaming industry, as cross-platform play between rival console brands has historically been challenging to implement due to various technical and business-related factors. However, it is important to note that the gaming landscape continues to evolve, and the possibility of cross-platform support between these consoles may become a reality in the future if the developers decide to pursue this feature.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between PC and Nintendo Switch?

As of now, Cyberpunk 2077 is not available on the Nintendo Switch, and there has been no official announcement from CD Projekt Red regarding plans to bring the game to this platform. Consequently, cross-platform play between PC and Nintendo Switch is currently not possible. While the prospect of playing Cyberpunk 2077 on the Switch is an exciting one, its technical limitations make it challenging to adapt the game without compromising its quality and performance. Until an official announcement is made, it’s uncertain whether we’ll see Cyberpunk 2077 on the Nintendo Switch or experience cross-platform play between the PC and this handheld console.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between PS4 and PS5?

As of 2024, Cyberpunk 2077 does offer cross-platform compatibility between PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. This means that players using either console can enjoy the game together, without any barriers or limitations. This is especially beneficial for those who have upgraded to the PlayStation 5, as they can continue playing with friends who still use the PlayStation 4. The developers have ensured that the game experience remains seamless and enjoyable across both platforms, with support for upgrades and enhancements specific to the PlayStation 5 hardware.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between Xbox One and Xbox X/S?

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Platform Between Xbox One And Xbox Series X/S?

As of 2024, Cyberpunk 2077 does indeed support cross-platform play between Xbox One and Xbox X/S consoles. This means that players on both generations of Xbox consoles can seamlessly connect, team up, and explore the world of Night City together. CD Projekt Red, the game’s developer, has worked diligently to ensure a smooth experience for gamers regardless of their console preference. This commitment to bridging the gap between console generations is a testament to the game’s dedication to providing a unified and immersive gaming experience for all Cyberpunk 2077 fans.

Will Cyberpunk 2077 Be Cross-Platform?

As of now, Cyberpunk 2077 does not support cross-platform play between different gaming systems. Players can only engage in single-player gameplay on their respective platforms, which include PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and Windows. However, the gaming industry is continuously evolving, and the demand for cross-play compatibility is only growing stronger. 

It is worth noting that CD Projekt Red, the developer behind Cyberpunk 2077, has not ruled out the possibility of cross-platform support in the future. The company has a history of listening to its community and implementing changes based on player feedback. With the ongoing demand for cross-play and the potential benefits it could bring to the game’s longevity and player engagement, it’s possible that Cyberpunk 2077 could introduce cross-platform features in the coming years. Until an official announcement is made, though, the game will remain limited to single-player experiences on individual platforms.

What are the Benefits of Cyberpunk 2077 Being Cross-Platform?

The benefits of Cyberpunk 2077 being cross-platform are numerous, catering to both gamers’ desires and the industry’s growth. Here, we explore some of the key advantages of the game’s cross-platform capabilities:

  • Expansive Player Base: Cross-platform functionality allows players from different systems to connect and interact with each other. This leads to a larger, more diverse player base, enhancing the overall gaming experience by enabling friendships and rivalries to form across various platforms.
  • Unified Gaming Community: Cross-platform play helps bridge the gap between different gaming communities, fostering a sense of unity among players. This encourages collaboration and communication, creating a more inclusive and enjoyable environment for all.
  • Extended Lifespan: When a game supports cross-platform play, it tends to have a longer lifespan as it can adapt to the ever-changing gaming landscape. The game remains relevant and accessible to players even as they migrate to newer platforms, ensuring a steady stream of interest and engagement.
  • Improved Matchmaking: With a larger pool of players, matchmaking becomes more efficient and offers a better experience for all. Players can find matches more quickly, and the system can better balance teams, leading to more competitive and enjoyable gameplay.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Cross-platform play can be a boon for gamers who want to play with friends without having to invest in multiple gaming systems. By enabling players to connect regardless of their platform, Cyberpunk 2077 can help save both time and money.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Generation in 2024?

Cyberpunk 2077 is indeed a cross-generation game, which means that players on both old and new-generation consoles can enjoy the game. CD Projekt Red, the game’s developer, has made it possible for gamers on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One to experience the world of Night City alongside those on newer consoles like PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

However, it’s important to note that cross-generation play doesn’t automatically imply cross-platform compatibility. While the game can be played on a variety of consoles, the cross-platform multiplayer feature allowing players from different platforms to play together is not yet available. As of now, Cyberpunk 2077 is primarily a single-player game, but the developer has hinted at potential multiplayer options in the future. If and when this becomes a reality, it remains to be seen whether cross-platform play will be a part of the multiplayer experience.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 Cross-Progression in 2024?

Cyberpunk 2077 does not currently support cross-progression. Cross-progression allows players to maintain their game saves and continue their progress on multiple platforms. Although the game is available on various platforms, such as PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and Windows, players cannot transfer their game progress between these platforms as of now.

However, with the gaming industry’s rapid advancements and growing demand for more unified gaming experiences, it is possible that cross-progression could be added in future updates or patches. As developers continue to enhance and expand the game, there may be potential for cross-progression support to further improve the player experience. Until then, players will have to manage their progress separately on each platform.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I play Cyberpunk 2077 with friends on different platforms?

Currently, you cannot play Cyberpunk 2077 with friends on different platforms. The game does not support cross-platform play, so each player must be on the same platform to enjoy the game together.

2. Is Cyberpunk 2077 available on all major gaming platforms?

Yes, Cyberpunk 2077 is available on PlayStation 4, Stadia, Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

3. Will any updates to Cyberpunk 2077 introduce cross-platform play?

CD Projekt Red has not announced any plans to introduce cross-platform play to Cyberpunk 2077. However, they have been releasing updates and patches to improve the game, so cross-platform features may be added in the future.

4. What are some other popular games that support cross-platform play?

Some popular games that support cross-platform play include Fortnite, Rocket League, Call of Duty: Warzone, and Minecraft. These games allow players on different platforms to interact and play together seamlessly.

5. How can I stay updated on any potential cross-platform developments for Cyberpunk 2077?

To stay updated on any potential cross-platform news for Cyberpunk 2077, you can follow the game’s official social media accounts, visit the CD Projekt Red website, or join online forums and communities dedicated to the game.


The gaming world has come a long way in terms of cross-platform compatibility, and Cyberpunk 2077 stands as a testament to the progress that has been made. As the game matures and continues to receive updates and improvements, cross-platform features will likely become even more robust and seamless.

While there may still be some limitations to consider, the future looks bright for gamers looking to dive into the world of Night City with friends across different platforms. Keep an eye on the horizon, as the world of Cyberpunk 2077 continues to evolve and redefine what it means to experience a truly immersive, interconnected gaming adventure.


  • Pv Singh

    Hi, I'm Parwinder Singh from Ganganagar, Rajasthan. A Computer Application graduate with a fervor for Roblox and all things gaming. Whether you're seeking the latest Roblox game ID codes or curious if your favorite game bridges platforms, I've got you covered. Dive into my articles, and let's explore the gaming realm together!
