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Is Dark Souls 3 Finally Cross-Platform in 2024? [The Truth]

Is Dark Souls 3 Finally Cross-Platform in [cy]? [The Truth]
  Written By: Pv Singh
Updated On: 07/31/2023
Est. Reading: 9 minutes

As we delve deeper into the era of gaming, the desire for cross-platform play continues to grow stronger. Gamers yearn for the ability to connect with friends across different consoles and platforms, taking their gaming experience to new heights.

Dark Souls 3, an action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, has garnered a massive following since its release in 2016. As we approach 2024, fans of the series are left with one burning question: is Dark Souls 3 cross-platform?

In this blog post, we will explore the various platforms Dark Souls 3 is available on and answer the critical question of cross-platform compatibility. By examining the connections between PC, mobile devices, PS4/PS5, Xbox One/X/S, and Nintendo Switch, we’ll shed light on the possibilities of joining forces with fellow gamers, regardless of their platform preference. Read on to find out if your Dark Souls 3 experience can extend beyond the boundaries of your chosen gaming console.

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Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform in 2024?

As of 2024, Dark Souls 3 remains a game that does not support cross-platform play between the various consoles it was released on. Despite the growing trend of cross-platform compatibility in the gaming industry, Dark Souls 3 has not adopted this feature, meaning that players are unable to engage in multiplayer sessions with friends on different platforms.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform in 2024?

This limitation has left many fans of the game disappointed, as they are unable to share their experiences with a wider network of players across different consoles. One of the primary reasons behind the lack of cross-platform play in Dark Souls 3 is the unique multiplayer system the game employs.

Dark Souls 3 uses a system where players can leave signs on the ground for other players to summon them for cooperative play or invade other players’ worlds for player versus player (PvP) action. This system has been designed with specific platforms in mind, making it challenging to implement cross-platform features without drastically altering the game’s core mechanics.

Moreover, another significant factor contributing to the absence of cross-platform play in Dark Souls 3 is the potential for technical difficulties and server issues that may arise when attempting to bridge the gap between platforms. These issues could lead to a compromised gaming experience, which the developers at FromSoftware may want to avoid.

With these points in mind, it’s evident that while cross-platform play has become a sought-after feature in the gaming community, Dark Souls 3 is unlikely to adopt this functionality in 2024, maintaining its platform-specific multiplayer gameplay.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and Mobile?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and Mobile?

As of now, Dark Souls 3 is not available on mobile platforms, which means cross-platform play between PC and mobile is not possible. The game was specifically designed for consoles and PC, and there have been no official announcements from FromSoftware or Bandai Namco Entertainment about plans to bring the game to mobile devices.

Consequently, players looking to experience Dark Souls 3 in 2024 will have to stick to the platforms it was originally released on: PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and PS4/PS5?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and PS4/PS5?

As of 2024, Dark Souls 3 does not support cross-platform play between PC and PS4/PS5. Despite the growing trend of cross-platform compatibility in gaming, FromSoftware has not implemented this feature into Dark Souls 3.

Consequently, players on PC and PS4/PS5 platforms are unable to engage in multiplayer sessions with each other, as they are restricted to playing within their respective platforms.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and Xbox?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and Xbox?

As of 2024, Dark Souls 3 does not support cross-platform play between PC and Xbox. While the game is available on both platforms, players are restricted to engaging in multiplayer sessions with others who are using the same platform.

This limitation is due to the game’s developer, FromSoftware, not implementing cross-platform functionality into Dark Souls 3. As a result, PC and Xbox users are unable to enjoy the game together, despite the growing demand for cross-platform play in the gaming community.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PS4/PS5 and Xbox?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PS4/PS5 and Xbox?

As of 2024, Dark Souls 3 still does not support cross-platform play between PS4/PS5 and Xbox consoles. Despite the growing demand for cross-platform compatibility in gaming, FromSoftware has not implemented this feature in the game.

Consequently, players on PlayStation and Xbox consoles are limited to engaging in multiplayer sessions exclusively with others on the same platform, unable to connect with friends using different consoles.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and Nintendo Switch?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PC and Nintendo Switch?

As of now, Dark Souls 3 is not available on the Nintendo Switch, and there has been no official announcement from the developers, FromSoftware, or the publisher, Bandai Namco, regarding a potential release on the platform. Consequently, cross-platform play between PC and Nintendo Switch does not apply to Dark Souls 3.

While the predecessor, Dark Souls Remastered, has been released on the Nintendo Switch, fans of the series will have to wait and see if there are any plans to bring the third installment to the popular console.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PS4 and PS5?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between PS4 and PS5?

As of 2024, while Dark Souls 3 is playable on both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles thanks to backward compatibility, the game does not support cross-platform play between these two systems. This means that even though players can enjoy the game on both consoles, they are unable to engage in multiplayer sessions with friends who play on a different PlayStation console.

The game developers, FromSoftware, have not implemented cross-platform functionality for Dark Souls 3, limiting players to connect and play only with others using the same console version.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between Xbox One and Xbox X/S?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Platform Between Xbox One and Xbox X/S?

Yes, Dark Souls 3 is cross-platform between Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, but only within the realm of the same console family. The game is backward compatible with the Xbox Series X/S, which means that players on these newer consoles can enjoy Dark Souls 3 alongside Xbox One players.

However, it is important to note that this cross-play is limited to the Xbox ecosystem and does not extend to other platforms such as PlayStation or PC.

Will Dark Souls 3 Be Cross-Platform?

Will Dark Souls 3 Be Cross-Platform?

As of now, Dark Souls 3 does not support cross-platform play, and there has been no official announcement made by the developers or publishers regarding the possibility of introducing this feature in the future. The game is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, but players on these platforms can only engage in multiplayer sessions with others using the same platform. 

It’s worth noting that the lack of cross-platform support is not unique to Dark Souls 3. The entire Souls series, including Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls 1, 2, and Bloodborne, also do not offer cross-platform play. While this may disappoint fans eager to engage with friends on different platforms, it’s essential to understand that implementing cross-platform support is not always a simple task.

This feature requires significant coordination and agreement between console manufacturers, developers, and publishers to ensure a smooth and consistent gaming experience across all platforms.

In conclusion, as much as we would love to see Dark Souls 3 become cross-platform in 2024, there are currently no indications that this will happen. While the gaming industry continues to embrace the concept of cross-platform play, it’s important to keep our expectations in check and appreciate the game for its current features and unique challenges.

In the meantime, we can only hope that future installments in the Souls series or similar games by FromSoftware will consider incorporating cross-platform capabilities, allowing players from all platforms to experience these incredible adventures together.

Why is Dark Souls 3 Not Cross-Platform? 

Why is Dark Souls 3 Not Cross-Platform? 

Dark Souls 3 not being cross-platform can be attributed to a combination of technical and business reasons. Although the gaming community has been pushing for more cross-platform play, not all game developers have embraced it, and Dark Souls 3 is one such example. Let’s take a closer look at some of the reasons why Dark Souls 3 is not cross-platform.

  • Technical limitations: Developing and maintaining a cross-platform infrastructure is a complex task. It requires game developers to build a unified system that can handle different platforms, such as PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, and ensure seamless communication between them. This often involves overcoming platform-specific technical hurdles, which can be time-consuming and costly.
  • Platform policies: Different gaming platforms have their policies and restrictions when it comes to cross-platform play. In the past, companies like Sony have been reluctant to support cross-platform functionality, primarily to maintain platform exclusivity and promote their network services. While this stance has softened over time, it still plays a role in limiting cross-platform play for certain games.
  • Game balance and fairness: Dark Souls 3 is known for its challenging gameplay, and ensuring a fair and balanced gaming experience across platforms is crucial. Various platforms have different input methods and performance capabilities, which can lead to discrepancies in the gameplay experience. Balancing these differences to maintain a consistent experience for all players can be a challenging task for developers.
  • Financial considerations: Implementing cross-platform play requires investment in development resources, infrastructure, and ongoing maintenance. Game developers and publishers need to weigh the costs and benefits of cross-platform support before deciding if it’s worth pursuing.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Generation in 2024?

As of now, Dark Souls 3 does offer cross-generation play within its respective console families. This means that players on the older generation consoles, such as PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, can play with or against players on the newer generation consoles, like PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Generation in 2024?

However, this cross-generation feature is only valid within the same console family, so PlayStation players cannot connect with Xbox players and vice versa. To clarify, if you own Dark Souls 3 on a PlayStation 4, you can play with someone who owns the game on a PlayStation 5. Similarly, Xbox One players can connect with Xbox Series X|S players.

This cross-generation compatibility makes it easier for friends to continue their journey in the world of Lothric, even if they have upgraded to the latest console generation. While this feature is a great addition, it’s important to note that cross-platform play between different console families, such as PlayStation and Xbox or consoles and PC, is still not available for Dark Souls 3.

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Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Progression in 2024?

Is Dark Souls 3 Cross-Progression in 2024?

Dark Souls 3, unfortunately, does not support cross-progression. This means that players are unable to transfer their save files, character progress, or game data between different platforms.

If you have played Dark Souls 3 on one platform and wish to continue on another platform, you’ll have to start from the beginning, as there is no synchronization of progress between consoles or between console and PC. As a result, players must commit to completing their journey through the Kingdom of Lothric on one platform.

While this might be disappointing to some fans who want to enjoy the game on multiple platforms, it’s important to understand that cross-progression is still a relatively new concept in the gaming industry, and not all games, including Dark Souls 3, have fully embraced this feature. For now, players will have to rely on the traditional approach of maintaining separate game progress on each platform.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any plans to introduce a cross-platform play for Dark Souls 3 in the future?

As of now, there have been no official announcements or plans to introduce a cross-platform play for Dark Souls 3. It is unlikely that such a feature will be added to the game in the future, given its age and the focus on newer titles by the developer, FromSoftware.

2. What other games are similar to Dark Souls 3 that offer cross-platform play?

While not the same as Dark Souls 3, games like Dauntless and Monster Hunter: World offer challenging action role-playing experiences and have cross-platform play options for players to enjoy.

3. Why is cross-platform play important for gamers?

Cross-platform play allows gamers to connect with friends and other players regardless of the console they own. This enables them to enjoy multiplayer experiences together without being limited by platform boundaries, ultimately enhancing the overall gaming experience.

4. Does the lack of cross-platform play affect the game’s overall experience?

While the absence of cross-platform play may be disappointing for some players, Dark Souls 3 still offers a rich and immersive experience, with challenging gameplay and an extensive, interconnected world. The game’s online features, such as summoning other players for cooperative play or engaging in player-versus-player (PvP) battles, are still available within each platform’s respective player base.

5. Can I transfer my Dark Souls 3 game progress and character between platforms?

No, Dark Souls 3 does not support cross-save functionality. Your game progress and character are tied to the platform you are playing on, and you cannot transfer them to another platform.


As it currently stands, Dark Souls 3 does not support cross-platform play and there have not been any announcements indicating that this feature will be added in 2024. While the lack of cross-platform compatibility may be disappointing for some gamers, it’s important to remember that Dark Souls 3 still offers an incredible gaming experience with its challenging gameplay, captivating story, and engaging multiplayer mode.

As cross-platform play continues to grow in popularity, future titles from FromSoftware may consider implementing this feature. Until then, we encourage Dark Souls 3 fans to continue enjoying the game’s rich and immersive world on their respective platforms and to stay connected with the gaming community for any potential updates or changes regarding cross-platform play.


  • Pv Singh

    Hi, I'm Parwinder Singh from Ganganagar, Rajasthan. A Computer Application graduate with a fervor for Roblox and all things gaming. Whether you're seeking the latest Roblox game ID codes or curious if your favorite game bridges platforms, I've got you covered. Dive into my articles, and let's explore the gaming realm together!
