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Is Saints Row 4 Finally Cross-Platform in 2024? [The Truth]

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform in (2022)? [PC, PS4/5, Xbox]
  Written By: Pv Singh
Updated On: 07/31/2023
Est. Reading: 9 minutes

In recent years, the gaming community has seen a steady rise in the demand for cross-platform compatibility, allowing players to team up or compete against each other, regardless of the platform they are using. As one of the most popular open-world action-adventure game series, Saints Row 4 has garnered attention and curiosity regarding its cross-platform capabilities. With the latest release approaching in 2024, the question remains: is Saints Row 4 cross-platform?

In this blog post, we will delve into the nitty-gritty details of Saints Row’s 4 cross-platform features, or lack thereof, and explore the various combinations of platforms and devices that players might be using. We will examine whether Saints Row 4 allows crossplay between PC, mobile, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch, and discuss the implications of cross-generational support for the gaming experience. So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting ride into the world of Saints Row 4 and cross-platform gaming!

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Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform in 2024?

As of 2024, Saints Row 4 remains a non-cross-platform game, which means players on different platforms cannot engage in multiplayer activities together. While this may come as a disappointment to some fans who were hoping for a more inclusive gaming experience, it’s essential to understand the reasons behind the lack of cross-platform support, as well as the available alternatives that players can utilize.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform in 2023?

The absence of cross-platform play in Saints Row 4 can be attributed to various factors, including technical challenges, the potential for an unbalanced gaming experience, and the complexities of coordinating between different platform holders. Implementing cross-platform support requires overcoming numerous hurdles, from synchronizing updates and patches across multiple platforms to ensuring that the game’s performance remains consistent for all players. Additionally, given the distinctiveness of each platform’s controls, balancing gameplay and maintaining fairness becomes an even more challenging task.

However, it’s important to note that Saints Row 4 does offer cross-generational support, allowing players on the same console family to connect and play together. This means that PS4 players can team up with their PS5 counterparts, while Xbox One users can join forces with those on Xbox Series X|S. While this may not be the full cross-platform experience that many had hoped for, it still provides ample opportunities for players to enjoy the thrilling world of Saints Row 4 with friends across different console generations.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between PC and Mobile?

As of now, Saints Row 4 does not offer cross-platform support between PC and mobile devices. Although the game series has been released on various platforms, including PC and consoles, there hasn’t been a mobile version of the game. Consequently, crossplay between PC and mobile is not applicable in the case of Saints Row 4. However, it’s essential to keep an eye on future announcements from the developers, as the gaming industry is continuously evolving, and cross-platform support could potentially be a feature in upcoming releases.

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Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between PC and PS4/PS5?

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between PC And PS3/PS4?

As of 2024, Saints Row 4 does not support cross-platform play between PC and PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5. This means that players using a PC cannot team up with or compete against those on PS4 or PS5 consoles. While this may be disappointing for those who have friends on different platforms, it’s essential to note that the game does offer cross-generational support, allowing players on PS4 to play with those on PS5. However, the absence of crossplay between PC and PlayStation consoles remains a limitation for gamers seeking a more interconnected gaming experience.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between PC and Xbox?

As of 2024, Saints Row 4 does not support cross-platform play between PC and Xbox. This means that players using a PC cannot team up or compete against those using an Xbox console. Although this might be disappointing for some fans, it is essential to note that the game developers may implement cross-platform features in the future. However, until an official announcement is made, PC and Xbox gamers will have to stick to playing with friends on their respective platforms.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between PS4/PS5 and Xbox?

Unfortunately, Saints Row 4 does not support cross-platform play between PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Although the game offers cross-generational support, allowing players on PS4 to play with those on PS5, and players on Xbox One to play with friends on Xbox Series X|S, it does not extend the compatibility to cross-platform multiplayer between PlayStation and Xbox users. This limitation means that gamers on these consoles will only be able to enjoy the Saints Row 4 experience with friends who are using the same console family, and not with those on the rival platform.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between PC and Nintendo Switch?

As of now, Saints Row 4 does not support cross-platform play between PC and Nintendo Switch. Although both platforms have their own versions of the game, players are currently unable to join forces or compete against each other across these devices. While cross-platform gaming has become increasingly popular, it seems that Saints Row 4 has yet to embrace this trend fully. However, it is essential to keep an eye on future updates and announcements from the developers, as the gaming landscape is continually evolving and cross-platform capabilities may still find their way into Saints Row 4 someday.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between PS4 and PS5?

Yes, Saints Row 4 provides cross-generational support between PS4 and PS5, allowing players on both platforms to enjoy seamless connectivity and play together. This means that if you own Saints Row 4 on your PS4 and your friend has it on their PS5, you can still team up or compete against each other without any issues. The developers have ensured that the gaming experience remains smooth and enjoyable for both generations of PlayStation users, bridging the gap and uniting players across different console versions.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Platform Between Xbox One and Xbox X/S?

Yes, Saints Row 4 supports cross-generational play between Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. This means that players on the older Xbox One console can seamlessly team up and enjoy the game with friends using the newer Xbox Series X or Series S consoles. While this doesn’t extend to cross-platform play between different gaming ecosystems, such as PlayStation or PC, it does offer a degree of flexibility for Xbox users who are looking to play with friends across different Xbox generations.

Will Saints Row 4 Be Cross-Platform?

As of now, there is no official confirmation from the developers, Volition, or the publisher, Deep Silver, regarding Saints Row 4 becoming fully cross-platform in 2024. While players in the gaming community have expressed their desire for cross-platform play, it is uncertain whether the upcoming release will fulfill that expectation.

However, it is worth noting that Saints Row 4 does offer cross-generational support. This means that players on PlayStation 4 can enjoy the game with friends on PlayStation 5, and those on Xbox One can team up with those on Xbox Series X|S. Although this is a step in the right direction, it still leaves a gap in terms of cross-platform play between Xbox, PlayStation, PC, and Nintendo Switch users.

As the release date approaches, we can only hope that Volition and Deep Silver consider the growing demand for cross-platform play and implement this feature in the future. For now, we must wait and see what the developers have in store for the Saints Row 4 franchise in 2024. Keep an eye on official announcements and updates to stay informed about any potential changes to the game’s cross-platform capabilities.

Why is Saints Row 4 Not Cross-Platform?

The absence of cross-platform play in Saints Row 4 can be attributed to several factors. Here, we will explore a few of the primary reasons why Saints Row 4 has not yet embraced cross-platform gaming.

  • Technical Challenges: Implementing cross-platform functionality in a game requires a robust and seamless backend infrastructure that can accommodate the varying network protocols, hardware capabilities, and software requirements of different platforms. For a game series that was developed before cross-platform play became popular, retrofitting crossplay support into older titles or even newer ones can be a complex and time-consuming process.
  • Platform Restrictions: Historically, console manufacturers like Sony and Microsoft have had strict policies against cross-platform play, mainly to protect their market share and maintain platform exclusivity. Although these restrictions have loosened over time, enabling crossplay still requires negotiations and agreements between platform holders, which can be a hurdle for game developers.
  • Game Balance: Maintaining a fair and balanced gaming experience across platforms with different control schemes and performance capabilities can be challenging. Developers must consider factors like input lag, responsiveness, and aim assist to ensure that players on one platform do not have an unfair advantage over those on another.
  • Development Priorities: Game studios have finite resources and must often prioritize features based on their target audience’s preferences and demands. It’s possible that the developers of Saints Row 4 have chosen to focus on other aspects of the game, such as storylines, gameplay mechanics, and graphics, instead of investing in cross-platform support.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Generation in 2024?

Yes, Saints Row 4 is indeed cross-generation, allowing players with older generation consoles to team up with or go head-to-head against players on newer generation consoles. This cross-generational support ensures that the Saints Row 4 community can stay connected and enjoy the gaming experience together regardless of their console version.

For instance, players using PlayStation 4 can seamlessly play with those on PlayStation 5. Similarly, those with Xbox One consoles can join forces or compete against friends on Xbox Series X|S. While this is excellent news for console gamers within the same brand ecosystem, it is important to note that crossplay between different console brands, such as Xbox and PlayStation, is still not supported in Saints Row 4. Nonetheless, the cross-generational feature allows gamers to continue enjoying the action-packed world of Saints Row 4 without feeling left out due to having an older console.

Is Saints Row 4 Cross-Progression in 2024?

As we dive into the world of Saints Row 4, it’s important to differentiate between cross-platform play and cross-progression. While cross-platform play refers to players from different platforms being able to play together, cross-progression means that a player’s progress and achievements are carried over between different platforms.

Unfortunately, as of now, the Saints Row 4 series does not support cross-progression, meaning that players cannot transfer their progress or unlocks from one platform to another. This means if you start playing Saints Row 4 on PlayStation and decide to switch to Xbox or PC later, you’ll have to start from scratch and won’t be able to retain your in-game progress, collectibles, or unlocked items.

However, it’s worth noting that game developers are continuously updating and improving their offerings. With the growing demand for cross-progression features, it’s possible that future Saints Row 4 titles or updates may introduce cross-progression capabilities, enhancing the overall gaming experience for fans of the series. Keep an eye on announcements from the developers to stay up-to-date with the latest information.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can PC players play with console users in Saints Row 4?

Unfortunately, Saints Row 4 does not support cross-platform play between PC and console users. PC players are limited to playing with other PC users, while console players can only play with those on the same console platform.

2. Does Saints Row 4 support cross-generational play?

Yes, Saints Row 4 does offer cross-generational support. This means that players on PlayStation 4 can play with those on PlayStation 5, and players on Xbox One can team up with friends on Xbox Series X|S.

3. Is Saints Row 4 available on Nintendo Switch, and does it support cross-platform play?

Saints Row 4 is available on the Nintendo Switch; however, it does not support cross-platform play. Nintendo Switch users can only play with other players on the same platform.

4. Will the developers add cross-platform support to Saints Row 4 in the future?

While it is not possible to predict the future actions of the developers, the gaming community’s increasing demand for cross-platform compatibility could potentially influence them to consider adding cross-play support in future updates or installments of the series. That being said, there is no official confirmation regarding cross-platform support for Saints Row 4 at this time.

5. How can I play with friends on different platforms in Saints Row 4?

Unfortunately, due to the lack of cross-platform support, you cannot directly play with friends on different platforms in Saints Row 4. The only way to play with friends across platforms would be for all parties to own and play the game on the same platform.


While Saints Row 4 may not offer full-fledged cross-platform play in 2024, the series does provide cross-generational support, enabling players using different generations of PlayStation and Xbox consoles to enjoy the game together. Though this may not satisfy the desires of gamers hoping to bridge the gap between all platforms, it’s still a considerable step forward in enhancing the gaming experience for a broader audience.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, we can remain hopeful that future installments of Saints Row 4 and other popular titles will embrace the trend and further break down barriers between platforms. Until then, let’s appreciate the connections we can make within our respective console families and continue to enjoy the thrilling, over-the-top adventures that Saints Row 4 has to offer.


  • Pv Singh

    Hi, I'm Parwinder Singh from Ganganagar, Rajasthan. A Computer Application graduate with a fervor for Roblox and all things gaming. Whether you're seeking the latest Roblox game ID codes or curious if your favorite game bridges platforms, I've got you covered. Dive into my articles, and let's explore the gaming realm together!
