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How to Make a DVD Photo Slideshow with Your Mac

  Written By: Admin
Updated On: 05/27/2020
Est. Reading: 2 minutes

I find that a DVD slideshow is one of the best ways to distribute digital photos among friends and family who aren’t keen on using computers. Why force these people to sit down at a computer when they can kick back and watch a DVD instead? With Mac OS X and iLife, making a DVD slideshow of your digital photos is simpler than you could possibly imagine.

Collect Everything in iPhoto

Start by collecting all the photos for your slideshow in one iPhoto album. If you haven’t imported them from your camera yet, go ahead and do that. As you are probably aware, iPhoto is able to import digital photos from most cameras without requiring additional software.

Send the Photos from iPhoto to iDVD

iPhoto has a built in feature that sends photos to iDVD. Click on the iPhoto album containing the pictures for your slideshow, then click Share → Send to iDVD. iPhoto will go to work on your photos, and eventually iDVD will start up.

Customize Your DVD

Once iDVD has appeared on-screen, your disc is ready to burn. It will however feature iDVD’s default theme, so you might want to take this opportunity to customize your DVD slideshow. Click on the Themes button to scroll through iDVD’s preset themes. When you see one you like, click on it to use it.

Burn Your DVD

Once you have selected a theme, it’s time to burn your DVD. Click File → Burn DVD or press CMD+R.

Once iDVD is done burning your photo slideshow, the disc should play in any DVD player. Distribute copies to your friends and family, and they will be able to admire your photos on their televisions.


  • Admin

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