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Trident 5E Weapon [Understand Its Uses & Benefits In DnD]

  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 12/31/2023
Est. Reading: 7 minutes

When you think about classical weapons of myth and legend, your mind might jump to the king of the sea, Poseidon, and his Trident. In your guild’s next campaign, why not wield the same strength as the ruler of the ocean with a trident 5e?

This powerful weapon is steeped in ancient lore and brings formidable capabilities to any skirmish, a fact known by both seasoned players and novices in Dungeons & Dragons.

Understanding the Trident 5E as a weapon in D&D can open up new potential tactics and role-playing opportunities.

Whether your character dwells beneath the waves or wants to bring a touch of the stormy sea might to their arsenal, it’s worth taking a closer look at this versatile gear.

In the world of fantasy warfare, equipping your character with this menacing weapon could make a significant difference between victory and defeat.

Attributes of Trident

The Trident, an iconic symbol of marine divinity, stands out in the arsenal of weapons available in Dungeons & Dragons. It’s built with three sharp points on one end, perfect for piercing attacks.

Versatile and unique, its functionality embodies both close-combat assault and ranged strikes. Its attributes make it an exciting choice for adventurers who want to channel their inner Poseidon or role-play a character with a maritime bent.

Cost5 gp
Damage1d6 piercing
Weight4 lbs.
PropertiesThrown (range 20/60), Versatile (1d8)

What is Trident 5E?

In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, Trident 5E is a one-handed melee weapon. With its unique three-pronged design, this weapon inspires images of mythic sea gods like Poseidon, symbolizing power and command.

Perfect for adventurers who prefer a versatile approach in battle, Trident’s 5E use isn’t confined only to striking foes up close; you can throw it as a ranged attack as well.

Its multifaceted use and iconic allure make it an easy favorite for players keen on exploring interesting equipment options in their D&D campaigns.

How Do Tridents Work in DnD 5e?

In the vast and fascinating world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), the utility of a trident as a weapon is both practical and strategic.

In game terms, the Trident 5e carries distinctive attributes that can shape your combat approach in unique ways. It’s a versatile weapon that offers strength and range for those able to wield it.

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Thrown Property

Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of tridents is their thrown property. This means you can use them for both melee close-combat assaults and ranged attacks. Such hybrid functionality can give you an edge in combat, particularly when it comes to versatility.

Range Capacity

Let’s talk about what you can achieve with a throw. A Trident 5e has a regular range of 20 feet and a long range of up to 60 feet. This provides ample distance to keep your enemies at bay or perform surprise assaults from unexpected distances.

Damage Potential

In terms of damage, wielding the Trident one-handed allows you to deal 1d6 + Strength piercing damage onto your foes.

If you’re stronger or find yourself in open spaces that allow two-handed fights, you can use this weapon’s versatile attribute, causing an upgraded damage effect resulting in 1d8 damage.

Martial Classification

Despite its historical aura and nautical mythology behind it, the Trident is considered more as a martial weapon than primarily magical or ranged. Thus, proficiency in martial weaponry will go a long way in effectively using this weapon.

Comparison With Other Weapons

The fact remains that compared to other options available within the D&D 5e weaponry arsenal, the trident might seem lackluster or subpar, especially for adventurers who prefer superior attack versatility or greater magic potential.

D&D isn’t always about using the “best” or the “most powerful” gear. Sometimes, it’s the stories you can tell with your character, and with the Trident’s maritime air and its link to legends, you can create some great ones.

Balancing the pros and cons, understanding your character’s strengths, and weighing them against your campaign’s context are key aspects of determining if a Trident 5e truly aligns with your combat strategy or role-playing narrative.

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Why Use a Trident?

When choosing a weapon in Dungeons & Dragons, the trident doesn’t usually stand out as the optimal choice, considering its core stats. However, diving deeper into this distinctive gear shows that there’s much more than just numbers.

Using a trident in DnD can be a matter of aesthetic appeal, magical allure, or simply choosing to embrace the enriching narrative aspects of the game – elements that often surpass any numerical calculation.

Aesthetic Preference

The sight of an adventurer brandishing a trident is enough to set anyone apart in the crowd. Picture your Sea Elf ranger or Triton paladin sweeping through adversaries with this aquatic-themed weapon, fit for royalty themselves.

The visual appeal and unique character identity that come with wielding such a majestic instrument can significantly enhance role-playing experiences.

Magic Weapons

The world of D&D offers magic weapons that harness the power of tridents in truly amazing ways. Take, for example, The Trident of Fish Command.

This magical item has up to three charges that you can use to cast Dominate Beast on any swimming beastie beneath the waves.

This brings an intriguing new option especially suitable for characters like Sea Elf rangers or Water Genasi fighters, opening up new tactical gameplay and role-playing scenarios.

Enacting Character Concept

Here’s another essential aspect – this game is ultimately about crafting enjoyable characters. Following this principle, choosing a trident might make perfect sense for your character development. Maybe it ties into your backstory or suits their personality traits.

Shouldn’t your burly Triton Paladin wield the symbolic weapon of their deity?

As opposed to relentlessly crunching numbers and comparing minor differences in statistics across other martial weapons like swords or bows, focusing on resonating with your character’s aesthetics and concept through every choice (weapons included) will lead to a far more engaging and enjoyable gaming experience.

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Reskinning Other Weapons

What about adventurers without proficiency in martial weapons? They shouldn’t be left out. You can always “reskin” or rename another weapon to represent a trident. A spear or halberd, for example, could be reskinned as a trident.

This approach provides even more flexibility in character design and gameplay, allowing every adventurer to experiment with this fantastic weapon choice.

Just because the trident might not statistically outperform other martial weapons doesn’t mean it’s useless. Dungeons & Dragons is about strategy and creativity, so look for opportunities where a trident might specifically shine.

The battle is not always about raw damage – trapping your opponent’s weapon or pulling them off their footing are just as valid (and rewarding) uses of a trident.

Surely, by now, it’s clear that the choice of a weapon isn’t merely about numbers. The aesthetics, the role-playing opportunities, and the diverse game scenarios are all factors that make using the formidable Trident 5E an intriguing option worth considering in your next D&D campaign.

What is the Point of a Trident 5E?

In the intricate world of Dungeons & Dragons, every choice you make matters – from skill allocation to optional quests, and yes, even which weapons you equip.

The Trident 5E, while similar to other weaponry such as the spear, offers unique benefits that pivot more toward task-oriented utility.

The basic mechanics of the trident don’t set it apart drastically from a spear in terms of raw battle statistics. They share similar features: both are versatile, allowing use with one or two hands.

They deal identical damage when thrown or wielded in melee combat. But D&D transcends these simple hit-to-damage ratios and delves into thematic depth, where the trident truly comes into its own.

A Trident 5E serves as more than a simple damaging tool; it provides your character with options – nautical role-play options because who doesn’t like echoing imagery of Poseidon?

Also, functional opportunities: maybe your character uses their trusty Trident to skim fish out of water for a meal or prize open treasure chests found on sunken ships?

By choosing this offbeat weapon and integrating it into non-combat elements of gameplay, your D&D experience can become more immersive and delightful.

Are Tridents Better Than Spears?

Whether tridents are superior to spears often lands the user in debate territory among dedicated D&D players. On paper, their battle stats are nearly identical, but the devil lies in subtle differences that often gain prominence depending on specific campaign situations.

Consider this scenario: during an intense melee round, disarming an opponent becomes crucial. Who knew that your trusty Trident could double up as an effective ‘weapon trapping’ tool?

This strategy adds another layer of complexity to combat interactions. The three-pronged design to ensnare enemy weapons gives you additional combat maneuvers without any stat changes required.

The take-home message here is that tridents aren’t ‘better’ than spears in an absolute sense; they are different, offering unique capabilities that can enrich your D&D gameplay with variety and versatility.

D&D is fundamentally about being imaginative and having fun. So next time when you prepare your character’s arsenal, consider wielding a Trident not just for its superficial metrics but for the real opportunities it presents to immerse yourself in the game.

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FAQs About Trident 5E Weapon

What is the weight and cost of a Trident 5E?

A Trident in D&D 5E weighs 4 pounds and typically costs around 5 gold pieces. The relatively lightweight and affordable price make it an accessible choice for many adventurers.

What classes benefit most from wielding a Trident?

Classes with martial weapon proficiency, like fighters or paladins, can take full advantage of the trident’s versatility. In particular, aquatic races or characters with sea-themed backstories can use tridents to their full potential.

Can the Trident 5E be used as a ranged weapon?

Yes, The trident is unique in that you can throw it as a ranged attack on enemies up to 20 feet away, extending up to 60 feet at long range.

Is there a magical version of the Trident in D&D?

Indeed, there is. The ‘Trident of Fish Command’ is an example of a magic weapon that grants control over aquatic creatures, allowing exciting gameplay opportunities.

If both spears and tridents deal similar damage, why should I choose a trident?

While spears and tridents have identical damages, your choice can be influenced by role-play elements. Tridents also offer additional tactical options like weapon trapping that might add depth to combat encounters.


  • I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!