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Linguist Feat 5E [Unlock New Languages And Cipher Secrets]

linguist feat 5e
  Written By: Ashish Arya
Updated On: 01/11/2024
Est. Reading: 7 minutes

Immerse yourself in the intriguing world of Dungeons & Dragons, specifically investigating the uncharted territories of the linguist feat 5e.

This compelling feature opens up a diverse array of opportunities for your character, offering unique ways to communicate both in and out of combat.

It gives an exciting twist to your campaigns, blending colorful storytelling with intense strategy.

The linguist feat 5e is relatively underappreciated and often misunderstood, though it brings a multitude of benefits if applied right.

By learning different languages and deciphering codes, your character gains an upper edge against opponents, often surprising them with unexpected tactics.

This article aims to shine a light on its significance, showcasing how it can be skillfully utilized to make your gameplay even more exciting.

What is Linguist Feat 5e?

The linguist feat 5e, in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, offers a captivating way to expand your character’s capabilities and personality.

What is Linguist Feat 5e

This fascinating characteristic allows your character to master three more languages of your choosing.

Not only does it add an interesting depth to the role you’re playing, but it also provides a practical advantage in many scenarios.

Aside from the benefit of multilingualism, there’s more that comes with this feature. The linguist feat includes an increase in your Intelligence score by a single point, with the maximum possible score being 20.

This intelligence enhancement underpins your character’s ability to strategize and solve problems throughout the game.

Giving careful consideration to this underrated feat can lead you into a thorough exploration of unknown frontiers within the game and add unexpected layers to your quests.

By taking advantage of different languages and enhanced intelligence, you can unlock fresh potentials for communication and intrigue within each campaign.

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How Does Linguist Feat 5e Work?

Linguist in Dungeons & Dragons 5e takes your character beyond the realms of physical combat, sharpening your intellectual abilities and language skills.

How Does Linguist Feat 5e Work

More than acquiring languages, it enhances your intelligence score and increases your capability to create unique ciphers. Let’s delve into each functionality in more detail.

Intelligence Score Increase

Having the linguist feat in 5e impacts the intelligence score of a character noticeably. It augments this score by one, with a potential maximum of twenty.

This enhancement signifies an improvement in the character’s overall cognitive capabilities, including their ability to learn, reason, and solve problems.

By boosting their intelligence score, a character can perform better not only during combat but also excel at scenario-based challenges that require sharp intellect.

Learn Languages

Akin to widening your horizons in real life by grasping various languages, Linguist feat empowers you with the same capability in D&D 5e.

It allows you to learn three extra languages of your choice. Thus, this feat enables smoother interactions across diverse races and creatures that populate the game world.

Learning new languages might lead to uncovering secrets from unanticipated quarters or initiating alliances with entities that were previously misunderstood due to communication barriers.

Create Ciphers

Perhaps the most exciting perk offered by Linguist feat is crafting distinctive ciphers for advanced communication within your party or disguising sensitive information from enemies.

This feat bestows upon you the ability to create written ciphers that others can’t decipher unless you teach them or they use magic to interpret it.

This function has manifold uses from setting up complex traps for adversaries based on misleading communications to conducting stealthy exchanges within your group without worrying about eavesdroppers.

Is Linguist Good?

Yes, the Linguist feat can significantly add to your game in Dungeons & Dragons 5e.

Is Linguist Good

It allows for a more comprehensive understanding of languages, increasing your capacity to understand, speak, and write in three more languages.

This makes it highly advantageous when strategizing with allies or manipulating opponents. The feature provides an increase to your Intelligence score, further enhancing your character’s abilities.

Its utility extends beyond just combat scenarios as it opens up exciting role-playing possibilities through the creation of ciphers.

By harnessing the potential of this feat effectively, you can add a rousing layer of depth to your gameplay experience.

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Which 5e Classes Make the Most of Linguist?

When it comes to the linguist feat in Dungeons & Dragons (5e), certain classes can extract much benefit.

Which 5e Classes Make the Most of Linguist

The capability of understanding multiple languages and creating unique ciphers plays a distinctive role in each class.

Let’s dig deeper into this by exploring how different classes make the best use of the linguist feat.


The artificer class, with its emphasis on arcane knowledge and inventiveness, is an excellent fit for the linguist feat.

By learning more languages, an artificer can delve deeper into ancient texts about forgotten technologies or decode intriguing magical scripts.

Creating ciphers adds an extra layer of safety when sharing plans or communicating with allies.


A barbarian wielding the linguist feat might sound unorthodox initially, but amazingly enough, it introduces some creative and unexpected tactics.

Understanding languages other than common can give a barbarian better insight into enemies’ intentions, enhancing their battle strategies.

It breaks stereotypes, turning a brute warrior into a cunning combatant who confounds enemies with encrypted messages.


Bards are known for their eloquence, charisma, and compelling leadership.

With linguistic mastery afforded by the linguist feat, they foster unity among diverse party members hailing from different racial backgrounds.

Decoding enemy plans or secrets hidden in foreign languages infuses thrill into their adventures while offering critical advantages.


In the D&D 5E classes family, clerics are devout intermediaries between gods and mortals.

With the capacity to comprehend additional languages granted by linguist feat 5e; they can preach divine wisdom to wider audiences and promote cross-cultural companionship among followers.

Understanding sacred texts written in exotic languages could unearth new divine secrets as well.

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As protectors of nature who communicate with both flora and fauna alike; druids can utilize Linguist feats to understand ancient, often forgotten languages of older civilizations that respected nature.

This helps them greatly in maintaining the balance between nature and civilization. Also, creating ciphers for secret communication with other druids can protect nature’s secrets from potential threats.


Fighters are tactical masters on the battlefield. The linguist feat allows them to understand commands or discussions among multi-lingual enemies, enhancing their tactical prowess.

Traditionally not known for subtlety, a fighter creating ciphers may surprise foes and bring an extra tactical advantage.


Monks enlist disciplines of mind over body. In such a class, the linguist feat extends monks’ intellectual horizons, allowing them to decode ancient martial arts manuals written in foreign languages or create secret codes to communicate covertly with allies.

As peace lovers, learning languages sometimes helps monks solve disputes without resorting to combat.


The Paladin class, known for its commitment to justice and divine power, yields an interesting layer of depth with the linguist feat.

Paladins can use additional languages to spread their divine mandates further; preach the teachings of their deities in foreign lands; decipher holy texts; or rally allies around them.

The capacity to devise codes brings forth surprising options in covert operations.


Rangers are natural explorers and survivalists. With the linguist feat, they can understand more about unexplored terrains or ancient ruins by deciphering inscriptions in unfamiliar languages.

The ability to create ciphers helps them leave behind secret navigation markers or messages for their comrades.


Possessing diverse skills like stealth and deceit, rogues hugely benefit from the linguist feat.

Knowledge of multiple languages assists them in gathering undercover information, blending into foreign locales, or even conning unsuspecting NPCs (Non-Playable Characters).

Cipher creation is another remarkable tool in their repertoire for clandestine communication.

Also Read: 10 Best Rogue Subclasses 5E [Specialize In Stealth And Skulduggery]


Sorcerers draw magic from their inherent magical bloodlines which could extend across different races and realms.

Linguistic diversity aids them in understanding ancient arcane texts or interacting with extraplanar entities. Cipher creation emphasizes their mystical allure – weaving magic through words plus code.


As seekers of knowledge from powerful entities residing beyond mortal realms, Warlocks can use the linguist feat 5e to grasp forbidden knowledge scribed in esoteric languages.

Such knowledge often boosts their spells’ potency, enabling bewitching tactics against foes. Conversation with otherworldly patrons is also made easier by understanding their language.


Wizards are quintessentially intellectuals and scholars among all D&D 5e classes – they thrive on knowledge and learning.

With linguistic proficiency coming from the linguist feat, they can study a vast range of spellbooks written in diverse languages; uncover secrets from old magic-infused inscriptions and scripts; and create ciphers that bottle up their magical research from prying eyes.

A wizard with the linguist feat is intellectual menacing-like a library with legs, carrying countless languages in one head.

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FAQs About linguist feat 5e

What does the linguist feat do in D&D 5e?

The linguist feat in D&D 5e allows your character to learn three additional languages of your choice. It also enhances your Intelligence score by 1, up to a maximum of 20, and lets you create secret ciphers.

Is the linguist feat valuable for all classes?

While the usefulness of the linguist feat varies depending on the class and campaign style, it can provide exceptional benefits to every class. It offers broader communication capabilities, strategic advantages, and enhanced role-playing opportunities.

How can I use a cipher as a player character?

Creating a cipher with the linguist feat allows your character to write secret messages that only other characters who know your code can understand. It’s an excellent mechanism for strategy-building or preserving secret information.

Can linguistic abilities help me understand monstrosities or magical beasts?

The benefit often depends upon what languages these creatures speak if any. Some magical creatures communicate using certain standard languages that a linguist could potentially understand.

Can I choose any language learning via the linguistic feat?

Yes, you can choose any standard language in D&D 5e when taking the linguistic feat – giving you access to races and cultures’ languages your character might not usually be exposed to.


  • Ashish Arya

    I'm a tech enthusiast and lifelong gamer, hailing from the beautiful city of Chandigarh. My passions range from immersing myself in worlds like GTA V, COD, SIMS, Roblox and Minecraft to exploring the latest innovations in laptops and technology. Armed with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Application, I love sharing my insights through writing and engaging with fellow enthusiasts. Join me on my journey through the ever-evolving realms of gaming and tech!
