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How to Turn Off Sticky Keys in Windows 10 & Windows 7

  Written By: Admin
Updated On: 06/23/2020
Est. Reading: 1 minute

What are Sticky Keys?

Sticky Keys is an operating system feature designed to minimize the repeated pressing of keys. People typically trigger this behavior by accident when they quickly press a key many times consecutively. Gamers in particular can frequently get tripped up by Sticky Keys, since they have a habit of rapid-fire button tapping.

How to Turn Off Sticky Keys in Windows 10 and Windows 7?

Method 1: Keyboard Shortcut

Press both SHIFT keys at the same time. This reset everything to normal. That is all.

Method 2: Control Panel

  1. Click Start → Control Panel → Ease of Access → Change how your keyboard works.
  2. Locate the “Make it easier to type” heading.
  3. Remove the check mark from the box next to “Turn on Sticky Keys”.
  4. Press the OK button to save your changes. set up sticky keys

Also useful: How to Turn Off Filter Keys in Windows 10 & 7

How to Disable Sticky Keys Permanently

If you find the Sticky Keys feature particularly annoying, it can be turned off for good.

  1. Click Start → Control Panel → Ease of Access → Change how your keyboard works.
  2. Click “Set up Sticky Keys” (or press ALT+C).ease of access sticky keys
  3. If there is a check in the box labeled “Turn On Sticky Keys”, un-check it.
  4. Un-check “Turn on Sticky Keys when SHIFT is pressed five times”. make keyboard easier to use 1
  5. Click the OK button to save your changes.

You have now prevented Sticky Keys from re-activating in the future.

Also Useful: Best Gaming Laptops Under $2000


  • Admin

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